1 Trading Forex Minute Charts
If you watch a 15 min chart reversals happen pretty regular every 45 minutes. trade the 1 min on these reversals and you are golden most people think trading the 1 min charts happens so quickly that you dont have time to think, but just watch the 1 min charts for a while and you will see that 1 min swings last for longer than you would think. Hello friends! report for 01. 05, traded on eur-usd timeframe of 5 minutes. my working time frame 5 minutes trading plan day at least 5 +. i work as a fixed amount of the transaction without the participation of "martin" results of the day for 5 hours of trading 9 + 3-with the return of the asset 80% net profit was 5+ the plan for the day fulfilled. below is a. 1-minutechart day traders, focus on trading one pair well, like the eurusd. if it is really quiet for an extended period, consider trading the gbpusd, but only trade one pair at a time. New traders often wonder which time frames to watch while day trading stocks. do you use tick c...